Title: Get your WHEELS!!! Post by: ZERO VELOCITY on August 11, 2020, 05:18:53 PM Hi friends, I have two sets of wheels up for grabs.
1. A set of black 14" (4 x 100 lug pattern), 3 of the tires are usable for a bit more but one is completely bad. Asking a super low 20k neg. 2. A set of silver 17" spokes (4x100 lug pattern). Asking 32k neg. (The Hyundai logo in the center of the rim is a sticker and can be removed) They just need some TLC and will become an awesome addition to your ride. Link me up and we can talk. WhatsApp (876)843-8954 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: WHEELS still available!!! Post by: ZERO VELOCITY on September 10, 2020, 12:26:02 AM Check them out
Title: Re: Get your WHEELS!!! Post by: ZERO VELOCITY on September 15, 2020, 01:26:34 PM Choose either of the 14" or the 17" set, both are still available.