Title: JOSTECHSHOP -- IPAD PRO 12.9 2ND GEN 64GB Post by: jomeezyLCM on May 19, 2020, 09:48:57 PM FOR SALE
Apple iPad Pro 12.9” 2nd Gen 64GB - Condition: Preowned, Excellent - Price: $85,000 - Specifications: Originally released June 2017 Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n/ac) Bluetooth 4.2 technology 12.9-inch Retina display 12-megapixel iSight camera FaceTime HD camera 1080p HD video recording A10X Fusion chip with 64-bit architecture Embedded M10 coprocessor 10-hour battery life Multi-Touch screen 1.49 pounds and 0.27 inch” - Accessories: Power Cable Power Adapter Apple Smart Cover - Flaws: Few scratches Call or WhatsApp 876-810-7053. [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: JOSTECHSHOP -- IPAD PRO 12.9 2ND GEN 64GB Post by: jomeezyLCM on June 02, 2020, 11:38:22 AM :Bump: