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$ ShopinJA Electronics $ => Cellular Repair/Unlocking/General Services => Topic started by: braddakizm on March 23, 2020, 10:06:58 AM

Title: FOREX, CRYPTO and BINARY OPTIONS from smart phone or pc
Post by: braddakizm on March 23, 2020, 10:06:58 AM
While you look for a job from home or to buy new items..

Why not invest in knowledge of how to make money from anywhere as long as you have a device that accesses the internet.

Especially during this sensitive time, lets explore options that can make us money from the couch we are confined to at the moment.

Email me, call me, whats me   :  8765869651             email:

 :found:lets get it

 :Bump: :Bump: :Bump:

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Title: Re: FOREX, CRYPTO and BINARY OPTIONS from smart phone or pc
Post by: nada_book14 on June 05, 2024, 08:38:15 AM
A choice of options is available to connect a debit card or multiple cards to a merchant account to withdraw funds to use as payments to employees or suppliers. Depending on the requirements we can set up various card programs (, from a few dozen of cards to thousands, generic or co-branded ones

Generic and co-branded, with bank transfers and crypto currencies loading options
The loading can be fully automated via an API. For the crypto loading you can potentially provide your clients with individual wallets and QR codes for deposits.