Title: Nissan and toyota parts, universal parts Post by: johna0 on January 03, 2020, 11:50:54 AM 13" steel rim and tyrea for sale15k
13" steel rims only 10k 3 pod gauge holder 5k 4/5E AC compressor 7500 4efte altenator 7k 4efte starter 5500 Intercooler, piping, and bov 27k Ep71 mud guards 10k Kkk turbo no back housing, 10k SR20 DET RWD ECU *20K* now 18k A/F METER *10K* now 9500 COILS *24K* now 22k PISTONS and RODS 4- 40K HEAD N CAMS *70K* now 60k ACT CLUTCH N PP WITH FIDANZA LIGHTENED FLYWHEEL - *80K* now 75k ALTENATOR *10K* now 9k AC COMPRESSOR *15K* now 13k PS PUMP *10K* now 8k BLOCK *35K* now 29k Crank *35k* now 30k after tested n verified 8765060135 |