Title: 3 Lenovo Thinkpad Laptops $23-24K EA. NEG. Post by: suntzu on November 29, 2019, 02:25:05 PM As stated in the topic, I have on offer 3 fully functional Thinkpads, with good battery and chargers going for $23-24K each, NEG. Items are in good physical condition with only some noticeable wear on the L512 trackpad, that's it. Everything else is superficial.
ITEMS LIST: 1. LENOVO G570 with 2.2GHZ Intel Pentium B960 CPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB HDD, & Windows 10 Pro Installed and activated. 2. LENOVO THINKPAD L512 with Intel i3 370M CPU, 4 GB RAM, 320GB HDD, with Windows 10 Pro installed and activated. LENOVO THINPAD T510 with Intel i5 520M CPU, 4GB RAM, 160GB HDD, with Windows 10 Pro Installed and activated. All Interested person/s can contact me at; 819-3065 or 667-2924 Thanks for looking and Shop with confidence! [attachment deleted by admin] |