Title: 90-97 honda accord plug seals, thermostat & rackend Post by: damionm on May 16, 2012, 02:52:30 PM NEW PARTS for 90-97 honda accord:
spark plug seals (Japanese made) -$2500 (excel,berts & superior sell 1 for about $350+. that is $2800+ for 8 ) thermostat (Genuine) - $3000 (berts $3993, superior $3500) rackend -$2000 (555 brand) (superior sell it for $2600, berts $2400) CALL 866-1162 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: 90-97 honda accord plug seals, thermostat & rackend Post by: damionm on June 06, 2012, 09:18:04 AM :cr: come on ppl take advantage of this deal
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