Title: Subaru Wrx parts and Evo parts Post by: renonelson256 on June 29, 2019, 07:32:03 PM All prices negotiable call or WhatsApp 18768805971
Ej20 engine parts from 2002 Wrx - [ ] pulley-3,000 each - [ ] Stock up pipe -4,000 - [ ] Rods and pistons 4,000 each - [ ] Crank 18,000 - [ ] Block 18,000 - [ ] Stock fly wheels 6,000 each - [ ] Stock clutch disk 8,000 - [ ] Gearbox brace for 5spd Wrx box (bolts not included) 8,000 - [ ] Front shocks with cut springs 11,000 each - [ ] Stock springs 3,000 each - [ ] Valve cover 5,000 each - [ ] Master cylinder reservoir sold - [ ] Rear Brembo caliper 04 sti (will need pins and clip) 18,000 - [ ] 2 pot Wrx calipers 10,000 - [ ] Left jdm wrx headlight (will clean before sale) 9,000 Evo parts: - [ ] Set of stock Evo 8 disk rotors 28,000 - [ ] Rear Bremo caliper with pads (one mounting point broken but can be welded back on) 20,000 |